Monday, December 7, 2009

Coupon Marketing with a Creative Twist

Think beyond traditional delivery systems for redemption rates up to 30%!
Coupons are experiencing resurgence in popularity, as cost-conscious consumers seek to weather the down-turned economy. Backed with a well-planned strategy, they can be an important part of your marketing mix.
The key to success is getting your coupons into the hands of potential buyers and keeping them there, in sight and in mind, up to the point of sale. The more targeted you can be in your distribution—and the more creative you can be in your delivery method—the higher your redemption and sales will be.
The following are three proven ideas that eliminate the wasted coverage of mass media distribution and take coupon marketing beyond the ordinary.

IDEA #1: Peel-A-Deal® Mailer

Peel-A-Deal® is a unique form of targeted direct mail that delivers credit-card-sized coupons that are easy for customers to retain and use. It’s available in multiple formats including the self-mailer postcard shown here, which carries 4-16 coupons per side. The coupons peel off easily and fit in a wallet like a credit card. It’s user friendly, convenient, and effective in generating sales—delivering average redemption rates of 5%-30%!

IDEA #2: Coupon Calendar

Everyone needs calendars. In fact, surveys indicate that 98% of homes and virtually 100% of businesses use at least one! Therefore, it stands to reason that advertisers that distribute calendars to their target audience are meeting a recognized need. Add coupons to the calendar, and it has even more value.
Design options include:
• Coupons on every monthly page
• Coupons on a 13th page bound into the calendar
• Bar codes on coupons for tracking redemptions
• Variable data printing (enables you to vary coupon offers according to recipient demographics)
A calendar gives you a full year’s worth of coupon distribution—and daily advertising exposure— for a cost that’s just pennies per day. Plus, you can time your coupon offers to integrate with other promotions planned for a given month. The results and cost per impression are hard to beat!

The Power Of Calendar Advetising
Calendars are a perfect medium for cost-effective coupon distribution. Just look at the sales power they have!
• 83% of customers purchased products or services from the advertiser who supplied them with a calendar, compared to 78% that did business with the advertiser before receiving the calendar.
• 94% of all business people can recall the advertising message on their calendars.
• On average, a person looks at a calendar 12 times a day, or 84 times a week. That adds up to 4,380 impressions after 365 days. Your brand will leave a definite impression!

IDEA #3: Magnet Coupon Mailer

Magnetic coupon mailers can be sent directly to your targeted audience. They’re inexpensive and outlast throwaway advertising, generating average redemption rates of 10%-30%. Configure your offers to last for weeks or months, saving the cost of repetitive mailings and delivering outstanding “staying power.”
According to a study at Purdue University, the average American visits his/her refrigerator 22 times a day. Every time the door is opened, your magnetic coupons will be there—sticking around, getting noticed, and asking for sales!

• Coupons delivered via the Peel-A-Deal® and magnet coupon mailers described herein are kept, on average, 50% of the time.

• These mailers cost about the same to produce as a traditional coupon flyer.

• Designed for retention, they give your coupons 3-12 month staying power.

• 87% of shoppers said they’d be more likely to shop at a retailer that offered a coupon.

• 70% said they’d be “much more likely to purchase” if they were offered a coupon.

Source: Promotion Marketing Association (PMA) Survey


Call for more information on these and other ideas for creative coupon distribution!

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